Calling My Dating App Matches Was So Worth It

Have you ever wondered if connecting with your dating app matches is actually worth the effort? Well, let me tell you, it absolutely is! Building a connection with someone new can lead to exciting and unexpected experiences. Whether you're looking for a casual fling or a long-term relationship, getting to know your matches can be a fun and worthwhile experience. If you're not sure which dating app is right for you, check out this helpful comparison between Badoo and Hinge here to find the best fit for your dating needs. Happy swiping!

For many people, the thought of picking up the phone and calling a potential date from a dating app can be nerve-wracking. We're so used to communicating through text messages and emojis that the idea of having an actual conversation with someone we've only just matched with can seem daunting. However, I recently took the plunge and decided to start calling my dating app matches, and I have to say, it was so worth it.

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Breaking the Ice

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One of the biggest challenges of online dating is breaking the ice and getting to know someone beyond their profile. Texting can only get you so far, and it's often hard to gauge someone's personality and sense of humor through written messages alone. By picking up the phone and calling my matches, I was able to have real, meaningful conversations that gave me a much better sense of who they were as people.

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Building a Connection

There's something special about hearing someone's voice for the first time. It adds a whole new layer of connection and intimacy that you just can't get through texting. By talking to my matches on the phone, I was able to build a deeper connection with them and establish a rapport that laid the foundation for a potential relationship.

Getting to Know Each Other

When you're on the phone with someone, there's no hiding behind carefully crafted messages or witty comebacks. It's just two people having a conversation and getting to know each other. I found that my phone calls with my matches were much more revealing than any text conversation could ever be. We were able to talk about our interests, our lives, and our goals in a way that felt natural and authentic.

Finding Common Ground

One of the benefits of calling my matches was that it allowed me to quickly identify whether or not we had real chemistry. Through our conversations, I was able to gauge whether we had similar interests, values, and life goals. This helped me avoid wasting time on dates with people who I ultimately didn't have much in common with.

Building Anticipation

In a world where instant gratification is the norm, there's something exciting about waiting for a phone call from someone you're interested in. By setting up phone calls with my matches, I was able to build anticipation and excitement for our conversations. It added an element of old-school romance to the dating process that made it feel more special.

Overcoming Nerves

I'll admit, I was nervous the first time I picked up the phone to call a dating app match. But as soon as we started talking, those nerves melted away. Having a real conversation with someone helped me feel more at ease and confident in myself. It also helped me overcome my fear of talking to new people, which has been a valuable skill in all areas of my life.

The Verdict

After taking the plunge and calling my dating app matches, I can confidently say that it was absolutely worth it. I was able to build genuine connections with people, weed out matches who weren't right for me, and ultimately, find someone special. So if you're on the fence about calling your matches, I highly encourage you to give it a try. You never know what kind of connection you might make until you pick up the phone and start dialing.